Remember your own mortality.
What Really Matters at the End of Life
Stay hungry, stay foolish
I dont really like Steve Jobs but this one I really like.
Steve Jobs and Bill Gates Face Off
Look closely how they talk.
Damon Horowitz
El liston de tu pelo
Bueno, ya que puse 17 años como no poner el liston de tu pelo?
17 años
De mis gustos culposos….no se xq pero si iria a un concierto de los Angeles Azules…que se le va a hacer?
Steak night
This was a night that JD and Turk had all planned for a good time but at the last moment they rather stay at the hospital with a patient.
I hope I go as ready as he was at the last moment.
Elliot’s makeover
To make a big change you first have to get mad!
2nd best bromance ever
You know who are the 1st.