I just love country balls memes and all their rules
Not everyday not everyone and not every game
“Not everyday is a good day, live anyway.
Not everyone tells the truth, trust anyway.
Not everyone will love you back, love anyway.
Not every game will be fair, play anyway.”
El test mas corto del mundo
En la maestria una vez hice un test de estos esperando algo meh pero la verdad me agrado mucho
SELECT few moments
FROM your busy life
INTO your loved ones life
FOR ALL possible occassions
WHERE your spare IS NULL
OR office time TOO LARGE
OR work pressure IN (‘much’,’too much’)
GROUP BY your family
The shit
“The shit that makes your heart beat faster and your eyes glow when you do it or talk about it, no matter if it’s hiking, yoga, gardening, painting, sex, meditation, photography, going for walks, helping others- do that.Do it as often as you can.Because that’s what life is about.Creating as many passionate, happy moments as possible.Don’t let anyone stop you from doing the things you love- not even yourself.”
Do it!
Ikage=Japanese for “a reason for being”
El exito
“El exito es la capacidad de ir de fracaso en fracaso sin perder entusiasmo.”
-Winston Churchill
Aprender a dudar
“Aprender a dudar es aprender a pensar.”
-Octavio Paz
Creo que es lo mas importante, poner la semilla de la duda de como funciona todo.
Ten cuidado
“Ten cuidado a quien pides consejos.Yo recibo consejos de personas que estan donde yo quiero llegar.”
-Robert Kiyosaki
Never be
“You can never be overdressed or overeducated.”
-Oscar Wilde.
Only with a suit at the beach.