Category Archives: Quotes

The shit

“The shit that makes your heart beat faster and your eyes glow when you do it or talk about it, no matter if it’s hiking, yoga, gardening, painting, sex, meditation, photography, going for walks, helping others- do that.Do it as often as you can.Because that’s what life is about.Creating as many passionate, happy moments as possible.Don’t let anyone stop you from doing the things you love- not even yourself.”


Do it!

Yo solo quiero

“Yo solo quiero inspirar a la gente, que algun dia; “Gracias a ti yo nunca me rendi”. “

-Autor desconocido.

Hace poco dias un tutorado me dijo que cuando llevo mi clase queria salirse de la carrera pero que gracias a mi clase decidio quedarse en la carrera =) ese mismo semestre fue cuando  me pidio que fuera su tutor… needless to say, made my day.