Category Archives: Personal

Why I left Wipro

Wipro was probably my most confortable job that I ever had. I WFH, had options for work schedule(it varied every 2 weeks and I could choose or at least suggest), the job was quite easy and the paid was great.

There were different things that made me left, most important were:

  1. Nowhere to grow: I was the only guy on my city, most of them were on CDMX, the team was close and got along well(at least from my point of view) but I didn’t feel there was a career path for us, it was just solving tickets and that’s it.
  2. It was WLS job; with micro-services, working with something as WLS didn’t allowed me to keep up-to-date with the industry
  3. Free-time wasn’t defined as well: there was a calendar for wipro for holidays but since we worked for another company, the calendar wasn’t the same and we didn’t get a headsup with time(even less than 24h), also weekend shifts were scheduled every Wednesday,.
  4. Better job offer: More vacations days, lead position ,using new technologies, new team.

LACS goodbye

My last day @ CUCEI was also the last time I saw LACS alive.

There was a meeting scheduled the day before vacations and I decided to go, to share a last time with my professors who became my friends and then my co-workers/peers.

Once the meeting was over, we went to receive our payslip, I got mine pretty early but stayed talking with my “mother from CUCEI” on sideline.

Another friend came and we were all talking and then LACS turned up, so I went to say Hi as always, so we started talking until he was about to receive his payslip or after that, I don’t remember exactly.

The things we discussed:

  1. Me learning python, how I considered to be a weird language, slow and highly disappointed of its PVM. He told me that Python was a great language for learning and teaching, that he liked it and I should give it some slack…so I decided to do it; I don’t think I would have respected the language I’m using right now if other person have told me something like this.
  2. My goodbye from CUCEI, I told him I was quitting my last class @CUCEI(Compilers) because of the distance from home and that I will continue teaching on grad school@ CUCEA. He told me to not be an stranger, that we will keep in touch by whatsapp/email but that I should and visit from time to time, he gave me a big hug and told me that he hoped to collaborate with me again in the future.

Obviously @ the moment none of us thought that will be the last time we will see each other but it was, and it was the closest to a real goodbye with closure I will ever have from him.

I miss you big brother.

Best compliments I ever received

After my gramps died, my grandma told me that in all the family I was the one most similar to him, the one who worked harder…I don’t think she said smarter but she said smart as him; and well thats a lot.

After LACS died, in his religious goodbye, my “mother from CUCEI” told me that I was the one most similar to him, smart and saw CS in a similar way…but I didn’t have the same areas of opportunity that he did have.


Those 2 are probably the best compliments I will ever receive…until somebody compare with my mom.

Why I left Proulex

I loved this job, the paid was good(better than university), benefits were goods schedule was great and most of the time I got amazing students.

The thing was that at that time I decided I wanted to do a Ms in software engineering  that required 2 years of experience on the industry, so I decided to jobhunt and since I will be at least another 2 years on GDL, I decided to take an MBA…so it was too much, working on the industry teaching part time and studying an MBA, something had to go away and Proulex got the short straw

Why I left CUCEI

From Feb 2006 to Jun 2019, I went every “academic” week to CUCEI, first as student then as a teacher. My student run went from Feb 2006 to Dec 2011, and my teacher run from Feb 2011 to June 2019.

I loved going there every single time, there I met some wonderful people, including my wife and some of dearest friends, some that were my professors, then peers and eventually friends

I finally decided to left CUCEI because I live  10 min away from CUCEA and at least 40 min away from CUCEI; I loved teaching but going there was 160 min a week of my driving, so, for the time being I decided to just teach at CUCEA

My PhD 2/? DCA 1

In 2017 my then girlfriend(now wife) and I got the idea of starting a phd together, we had two options IT or administration…or one for  each sharing the same project but from different angles.

So We went to a talk about the phd in administration, it was just the 2 of us, the coordinator and his assistant( alumni of my wife and 2 years later student of mine).

The coordinador asked us about our thesis proposal, I give about regarding criptocurrencies and my wife said she didn’t have anything on her mind, but he seemed OK with that.

At the end, We didn’t applied because of the schedule, the PhD had a scholarship and the professors could decide to teach the entire class in a week, so it wasn’t possible for me to work at the same time, and my wife’s classes will be disrupted too much…even if we declined the scholarship the classes will be the same

My PhD 1/? ITESO

When I finished my master on 2k14, I thought that I will never continue my studies, I was so tired( 2 jobs, studying and 2 girlfriends-at different times of course), that I didn’t want to do it again.

Late 2017 I decided I could continue my studies with a phd on ITESO, because of the discount and scholarship offered by Oracle. I started all the protocolos but I faced the problem of a lack of phd in it or cs.

I tried that LACS become my thesis’ director but at the end it didn’t worked, I thought I will continue with JFHA as director but at the end, the object of study of my phd was removed from my grasp when I was moved to another team on Oracle, that was the moment when I decided to take a raincheck on my phd.

Gramps goodbye

Last time I spoke with my grampa, my mother called me when I was driving from home to the university, I was trapped in a traffic jam in a roundabout, my mother told me that my grampa loved me very much and that he blessed me; at that time my grampa couldn’t speak because he had a lot of things on him.


The last time I really spoke with him was some weeks before that, he was lucid, smart and wise as ever at his 80+ years old.


I don’t remember why but he ended up teaching me about Cartago, the rise and fall and why sometimes people says that they are going to “Cartago” something.

At the time I had 2 bachelors degree, 1 MBA, several certifications, teacher at couple of masters and he was still teaching me something related to something  I just said.


Congrats  papa, we may not be on the same plane/dimension anymore but  I still remember you and love you.